
Ordination of 29 new Deacons of the Prelature

Twenty-nine faithful of Opus Dei received the diaconate on November 18, 2023 from the hands of Bishop Andrés Gabriel Ferrada, Secretary of the Dicastery for the Clergy. The ceremony took place in the Roman Basilica of St. Eugene.

In his homily, after mentioning each one by name, Bishop Ferrada encouraged the ordinands to trust above all in God’s love for them: “He loves us as the Father loves the Son, that is, without limits and without measure. Jesus’ death on the cross for love, for us, his friends (Jn 15:14), is the incontestable proof. Jesus loves each of us in the same way, and today he tells these beloved candidates for the diaconate the same thing. Yes, he loves you personally and calls you his friend, not a servant (Jn 15:15). With Him you will be fellow-servants, but you are and always will be friends for Him.”

The Prelate of Opus Dei, Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, expressed his gratitude and affection to the new deacons and their families, with whom he spent an enjoyable time in the courtyard of the basilica at the conclusion of the ceremony.

The new deacons come from Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines, France, Spain, Switzerland, Cameroon, Austria, United States, Australia, El Salvador, Brazil, Congo, Sweden, Italy, China, Paraguay and Japan.

Romana, n. 77, July-December 2023, p. 223.

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