

In Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz’s message on November 15 the Prelate announced that during the year 2024 Regional Assemblies (also called Work Weeks) will be held in all the Prelature’s circumscriptions.

The topic of the 2024 regional assemblies is: On The Road to the Centennial of the Work. Understanding our Charism More Deeply and Renewing Our Desire to Serve God, the Church, and Society. As Monsignor Ocáriz emphasized, “thus we will begin preparing in a more specific way for the centennial, in which I would like all of you to take part.”





The presence of migrants and refugees today represents an invitation to recover some essential dimensions of Christian existence that are in danger of being forgotten by a lifestyle drugged with comforts.

During his lifetime, St. Josemaría spurred forward many initiatives aimed at needy and vulnerable people, including immigrants and displaced persons.

“Opus Dei,” St. Josemaría said, “has to be present where there is poverty, where there is unemployment, where there is sadness, where there is suffering, so that the suffering is borne with joy, so that poverty disappears, so that work is not lacking (because we train people to help them find it), so that we bring Christ into the life of each person, to the extent that they want this, because we are great friends of freedom.”

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