
Colloquium on Dora del Hoyo and Nisa González Guzmán (León, Spain)

On November 22 in León, over seventy people attended a colloquium with journalist Cristina Fanjul, from the Diario de León, and José Carlos Martín de la Hoz, postulator for the causes of saints of the Prelature,

The purpose of the meeting was to make better known two local women of Opus Dei: Dora del Hoya and Nisa González Guzmán. “There are few paths of perfection like that of Dora del Hoyo; the audacity of any conquest always begins with humble men and women like her,” Cristina Fanjul said about Dora del Hoya. As for Nisa González Guzmán, the journalist from León stated that “she left everything behind, all the certainties of her comfortable life, to venture into the unknown of responding to the plan God had for her. She was a strong woman who saw all her expectations fulfilled because she always persevered.”

José Carlos Martín de la Hoz, in turn, spoke about the current situation of Dora’s cause for canonization, whose diocesan processes (in Madrid, Santiago de Chile and Rome) have already been completed. He encouraged those present to continue praying and asking for favors so that she can soon be declared venerable, the first milestone on this path.

Dora del Hoyo and Nisa González Guzmán are two women from León who left their mark on the beginnings of Opus Dei in Spain and the world. To clarify why Dora is in the process of canonization and Nisa is not, despite both being models and references of holiness, Martín de la Hoz said that “we are all called to be models and intercessors before God for our friends and family. But God also wants some to become intercessors for a significant part of the people of God and for the whole Church.”

After giving an overview of Nisa’s first steps in the apostolic work in the United States and Canada, Martín de la Hoz pointed out that the first women of Opus Dei in North America carried out their apostolate in the way Pope Francis asked, supporting one another and knowing that Christianity spreads “by contagion,” starting from the family and reaching out to many others, thus bringing God’s love to the whole world.

He also stressed that “every day our Lord enters our life and sends out Christians, each one of us, on special missions: to take care of those close to you, to be attentive to your friends, because the apostolate is always based on friendship and trust. He sends us out to enlighten the world from within.” And this is exactly what Nisa and Dora did, he stressed.

Romana, n. 77, July-December 2023, p. 225-226.

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