
A Study on Early Christian Symbology in the Prelatic Church of Opus Dei

Cristina and Valentina Angela Cumbo, archaeologist and architect respectively, have published in the journal De Medio Aevo an article on six modern churches in Rome with a significant presence of symbolic elements typical of early Christian art: the Church of the Holy Roman Protomartyrs and the Church of St. Ambrose, in the Aurelio district, built in the 1960s; the Church of St. Jerome, in Corviale, from the same period; the Church of St. Joachim, in Prati, from the last decade of the 19th century; the Church of Our Lady of Sorrows or Argentinian Church, in Trieste-Salario, from 1930; and the Prelatic Church of Opus Dei, Our Lady of Peace, in the Pinciano district, completed in 1959.

Some of the Paleochristian vestiges that the authors of the article have found in Our Lady of Peace include the arrangement of the pews (in line with the single nave of the church) and the configuration of the apsidal mosaic.

The title of the article is “Tra antico e contemporaneo: la simbologia paleocristiana e medievale alla base della progettazione architettonica di alcuni edifici di culto a Roma.”

Romana, n. 77, July-December 2023, p. 228.

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