Turin, (Italy) -- A course in Italian culture for domestic workers
The Riparia Cultural Center held the second series of classes for foreign women working in Italy. Some thirty women from such places as Peru, Bolivia, Rumania and Moldavia took part. Often these people, who have only a superficial knowledge of the Italian language and customs, encounter difficulties in fitting in outside their work, which normally is limited to the field of domestic services, especially care for children and the aged.
Classes are given on cooking for children and the aged. Those taking part are also given information to enable them to know and better appreciate the Italian city in which they are presently living. Other topics treated by the specialists giving the classes include home management, dietetics, and fitting into a new environment.
Very much appreciated is the lesson entitled “Reflections on friendship.” The ages of the participants, ranging from twenty to over fifty, has not been an obstacle to establishing an atmosphere of solidarity and mutual respect.
Romana, n. 39, July-December 2004, p. 260.