Bogota, (Colombia) Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of La Sabana University
Over one thousand people attended the ceremony commemorating the 25th anniversary of La Sabana University on October 14, in a part of the campus known as the Plazoleta de Los Balcones.
A Te Deum sung in thanksgiving was led by Msgr. Hernan Salcedo Plazas, Vice-Chancellor of the University and Vicar of Opus Dei in Colombia.
Afterwards, the Vice-Chancellor and the current Rector spoke a few words of special recognition for those who had served as past Rectors of the university: Octavio Arizmendi Posada, the first Rector, who could not attend because of sickness and who died a few weeks later, Rafael Gonzalez Cajigas, and Maria Adela Tamés Garcia.
Romana, n. 39, July-December 2004, p. 251.