Zonnewende (Netherlands) -- A symposium on fashion, and a family day
In September a symposium dedicated to fashion was held at the Zonnewende conference center. The talk by Elisa Garcia focused on the anthropology of fashion, while Janet van der Does de Willebois spoke about the relationship between the religious beliefs of various African tribes and their way of dressing, based on her book Bodywork: Dress as Cultural Tool. The symposium ended with a practical session given by Inge van der Kuil-Kramer, a director and advisor for Color Me Beautiful.
A few days later, on October 2, the traditional “Family Day” brought together a good sized group of parents and children. The kids entertained themselves with sports, games and competitions. A family orientation session for the parents was entitled “Help! my son is entering adolescence.” It was directed by two pedagogues, the parents of five children. This meeting gave rise to an informal exchange of opinions and experiences among those present.
Romana, n. 41, July-December 2005, p. 330-331.