Nairobi (Kenya) -- Strengthening the family in Africa
Strathmore University, Family Network, Family Enrichment Kenya, Strathmore School, Kianda School and Pied Piper Family Entertainment organized a congress on the family from August 19 to 21, 2005. The theme was “Strengthening the Family in Africa.” The role of the family as the basic cell of society was stressed, as well as its potential for furthering national development and helping to solve problems such as AIDS and poverty.
The congress was inaugurated by the Chilean ambassador to Kenya, Pedro Undurraga. Dr. Margaret Ogola spoke on the prevention and treatment of AIDS. Marina Roben spoke about what Africa can learn from the challenges that Europe is confronting. Caesar Mwangi passed on his experience regarding families that emigrate to other countries. Dr. Amon Kasambala, director of the organization “Focus on the Family in Africa,” suggested various ways that governments could help families contribute in a more direct way to the solution of crucial social problems. Richard Wilkins, an American law professor and director of the “World Center for Family Policies,” spoke on the effects that various laws have on families. Other speakers focused on topics such as the African love for children, the role of the father, and courses for family development.
The audience represented 18 countries. At the end of the congress an award was given to Barclays Bank for its outstanding pro-family policies. The congress was also the inaugural activity for the new organization “Voice of the Family in Africa,” which will dedicate its efforts to putting into effect the initiatives discussed during these days.
Romana, n. 41, July-December 2005, p. 326.