Sorocaba, (Brazil) -- “Empresárias do Lar”
In Sorocaba, a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo, a project entitled Empresárias do Lar (Entrepreneurs of the Home) has been underway, run by two women of the Prelature and two cooperators. This is a course for girls who are preparing for marriage, with the aim of helping them to form a home that is humanly pleasant and attractive. The program seeks to foster virtues such as patience, good humor, diligence, punctuality, courtesy, detachment, etc., all viewed in a Christian perspective, in order to form a home that is marked by peace and joy. Practical classes are also offered on a number of topics, such as nutrition, meal menus, cleanliness and decoration in the home, financial budgeting, etc.
Participants discover the value of their own femininity, with its whole range of values: refinement, dedication to family members, balanced sensitivity, concern for interior and exterior beauty, harmony between husband and wife, mutual help and respect.
The feedback from the first sessions was very positive. The course was filmed by a local television channel and retransmitted for a full week with a large audience, leading many people to become interested in future courses.
Romana, n. 56, January-June 2013, p. 119.