Anche la Residenza universitaria femminile Glenard, a Dublino, ha compiuto i venticinque anni di esistenza. Nell'occasione, il Prelato dell'Opus Dei ha inviato questa lettera al Vicario Regionale per l'Irlanda, pregandolo di farla pervenire alla Direzi
Rome, May 21, 1987
Dear Quico,
May Jesus watch over you and may He watch over my daughters in Glenard!
Since I received the news of the upcoming celebration of the Silver Jubilee of that Residence, I am especially praying for all of you, very close to you in the preparation of this anniversary.
Tell my daughters and the residents of Glenard that I give special thanks, just as they do, to the most blessed Trinity for the abundant gifts which He, through holy Mary, has showered over that work during these twenty-five years.
It is easy for me to appeal to our holy Founder on this occasion, since in Heaven he shares our joy and contemplates happily the fruit of his heroic and selfless work on this earth and of the faithfulness of his daughters. I ask him to keep on caring for you with predilection and interceding very effectively for all that you do.
Please tell my daughters, and everyone who in some way helps in that work, with what great affection I pray for them, asking that they respond generously to the abundant help that they receive from God and that, with the power of their interior life, and well prepared humanly and supernaturally, they contribute to making the society of that dear country more and more christian, so that Ireland continue to be a nation from which many people set out to bring the faith to every corner of the world.
Please pray for my intentions and for me.
For the former and present residents of Glenard, for all those who somehow take part in the activities there, for all their families, and for your noble and generous desires to serve Christ's Church and everyone without exception, I send the fondest blessing
your Father
Romana, n. 4, Gennaio-Giugno 1987, p. 93.