Nella ricorrenza del XXV anniversario di Strathmore College, opera apostolica dell'Opus Dei a Nairobi, Mons. Alvaro del Portillo ha inviato questa lettera al Direttore del College:
My dear Juan Antonio,
May Jesus take good care of you!
News has reached me that you will be celebrating the Silver Jubilee of Strathmore College this coming weekend, and I am writing to tell you that I am with you will all my heart in the thanksgiving you are making to Our Lord for all the benefits he has poured out upon souls through the work you are doing.
Our holy Founder will be accompanying us very closely in our thanksgiving, because he has been the faithful instrument whom God has wished to use in a very special way to further all this work: both since its beginnings, with his prayer and his indications, which were always so full of faith, for the difficulties were not inconsiderable and many were the people who advised against the project; and, now, with his powerful intercession before the Blessed Trinity. Keep relying on his mediation and teachings, so as to work according to the spirit he has handed down to us: such faithfulness on your part will make the fruits, which you will continue to receive from God's mercy, increase each day.
I pray to Our Lady that she may continue to bless the work you are doing, so that Strathmore College may be an ever more effective instrument for human development, and for spreading the seed of the faith and the Christian meaning of life.
To all of you, parents, teachers, past and present students, employees, friends, I send my most affectionate blessing, for yourselves, for your families and for the ideals that you bear in your hearts.
Your Father
Romana, n. 2, Gennaio-Giugno 1986, p. 86.