
From Young People for Young People: Youth, a New Section of opusdei.org

On January 15, the special section of opusdei.org aimed at young people was launched. Entitled Youth, the effort involves many young people who are already present on the official social media of Opus Dei (specifically, Instagram, YouTube and Spotify).

Youth offers material specifically designed for young men and women between the ages of 14 and 26: video and podcast testimonies, texts for prayer, articles of a spiritual nature, infographics on doctrinal issues, case studies for discussion on topics such as friendship, family, etc. The content is structured in four sections: St. Raphael, To Pray, The World and I, and I Believe.

Initially, Youth is being offered in two versions: English and Spanish. Subtitled material is already available in other languages.

Romana, n. 78, January-June 2024, p. 106.

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