Restructuring of the Delegations in the Region of Spain
With the following decree of the Prelate, on June 6, the circumscriptions of the Delegation of Santiago de Compostela and the Delegation of Valladolid were unified, which now constitute a single circumscription under the name Delegation of the Northwest, covering the territories of Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria and Castilla Leon. The circumscriptions of the Delegation of Zaragoza and the Delegation of Valencia were also unified under a single circumscription called the Delegation of Aragón and Levante, which covers the territories of the province of Albacete, the autonomous communities of the Balearic Islands, Murcia, Valencia and Aragón, with the exception of the city of Barbastro and the Shrine of Torreciudad. The territory of the autonomous community of La Rioja became part of the Pamplona Delegation:

Romana, n. 72, January-June 2021, p. 48-49.