Other Publications of Interest
Onésimo Díaz Hernández, Expansión: El desarrollo del Opus Dei entre los años 1940 y 1945, Madrid, Rialp, 2020, 1st edition, 694 pp. This book describes the expansion of Opus Dei between 1940 and 1945. At the end of the Spanish Civil War in 1939, Josemaría Escrivá had fourteen men and two women to help him develop Opus Dei. By the end of World War II in 1945, more than two hundred and twenty men and almost thirty women had joined Opus Dei. These young people would spread its message throughout Spanish cities and prepare for its international expansion.
Blessed Alvaro del Portillo, Wie Salz und Licht: Impulse für das christliche Gebetsleben. Herausgegegeben von José Antonio Loarte, Wien, Verlag Fassbaender, 2019, 1st Austrian edition, 260 pp. This book collects texts of a spiritual nature written or spoken by Bishop Alvaro del Portillo, especially during his years at the head of Opus Dei (1975-1994). This is the German translation of the Spanish original, published under the title Orar: como sal y como luz, a selection of texts on Christian life edited by José Antonio Loarte, Barcelona, Planeta, 2013.
Mercedes Montero, Historia de Ediciones Rialp: Orígenes y contexto, aciertos y errores, Madrid, Rialp, 2020, 1st edition, 378 pp. The history of a publishing house born in the 1940s. The Spanish post-war years were difficult, also for book publishing. The author analyzes the publishing panorama, the birth of Minerva, the genesis of Ediciones Rialp, and the consolidation of the publishing house in poetry, humanities, essays and spirituality. It did not take long for the first difficulties to arrive, from obtaining paper to tensions with censorship. Then came the awards, democracy, encyclopedias... and also the crises and the struggle to survive.
María Aparecida Ferrari (ed.), Travail et sainteté. Entretien avec Mgr. Fernando Ocáriz, Paris, Boleine, 2020, 1st French edition, 120 pp. Colloquy between the Prelate of Opus Dei and some of the authors of the papers presented at a congress on work in the teaching of St. Josemaría. French translation of the Italian original Lavoro e santità. Colloquium with Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz sull’insegnamento di san Josemaría Escrivá, Rome, Edusc, 2018.
Agustin Lopez Kindler, Toni Zweifel: Un ingegnere sulle tracce di Cristo, Milano, Edizioni Ares, 2020, 208 pp. 1st Italian edition, translated from the Spanish by Marco Simona. A biography of the Swiss engineer and faithful of Opus Dei. It recounts his contribution to the spread of Opus Dei in Switzerland and how he coped with his leukemia, which led to his early death at the age of 51. His canonization process is now underway.
Agustin Lopez Kindler, Given to Others. The Life of Toni Zweifel, Scepter Publishers, New York, 2020, 145 pp. 1st English edition of Toni Zweifel. Huellas de una historia de amor. Madrid, Rialp, 2016.
Manuel Pareja Ortiz and Omar Benítez Lozano, Por tierras y mares: Comienzos del Opus Dei en Colombia, Madrid, Rialp, 2020, 1st edition, 319 pp.
Francesco Russo, In ogni circostanza, L’intercessione del Beato Alvaro del Portillo, Torino, 1st edition, Elledici, 2020.
Rafael Fiol Mateos, Pedro Casciaro: Hasta la última gota, Madrid, Rialp, 2020, 1st edition, 320 pp. Biography of Pedro Casciaro, one of the first faithful of the Work. After his ordination to the priesthood, he began his apostolic work in Mexico. The story of his life is a beautiful story of good humor, faithfulness and service, also to the most needy.
Los intercesores del Opus Dei, eBook edited by Enrique Muñiz, Fundación Studium - Istituto Storico san Josemaría Escrivá, Madrid-Rome, 2020, 148 pp. This book is a collection of articles on the intercessors of Opus Dei by various authors published in the journal Studia et Documenta.
Romana, n. 70, January-December 2020, p. 132-134.