
Route of St. Josemaría Escrivá in Barbastro

The Businessmen’s Association of Barbastro, Spain, has inaugurated the Route of St. Josemaría, an itinerary aimed at making known the most important places in the infancy and early childhood of the founder of Opus Dei in the Somontano region. The route begins at the site of St. Josemaría’s birth, fronting the market square. It also visits the textile business where his father worked, his mother’s home, and the school of the Escuelas Pías (Piarist order), where he attended school before his family moved to Logroño.

The cathedral and the diocesan museum are other stops on this route, as well as the museum of the Claretian Martyrs, the monastery of Our Lady of El Pueyo, and the Shrine of Torreciudad.

The itinerary also includes the City Hall of Barbastro, which named St. Josemaría a “favorite son” in 1947 and awarded him the city’s golden medal in 1975. The project is backed by the diocese of Barbastro and the city of Barbastro. The Businessmen’s Association plans to include this initiative in the religion tourism routes and specifically the Marian routes.

Romana, n. 61, July-December 2015, p. 311.

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