
Devotion Throughout the World

A bust in Sicily

The Santonoceto High School in Acireale, Sicily now has, since the past July 4, a bronze bust of St. Josemaría presiding over the central patio of the building. After the inauguration ceremony, Bishop Antonino Raspanti of Acierale celebrated Holy Mass in honor of St. Josemaría. The bust is the work of Mauro Gelardi, a Sicilian sculptor.

At the Geneva Book Exhibition, Switzerland

A special stand presented the books of St. Josemaría at the Geneva Book Exhibition, during its 29th annual literary fair. In an effort to make the writings of St. Josemaría better known, those manning the stand distributed to visitors sheets inscribed with various points from The Way.

On Italian television

On Sunday, November 1, Solemnity of All Saints, the program “In his Image” on the Italian public television channel Rai 1 broadcast brief summaries of the lives of St. Josemaría, St. John Bosco, and Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, to show that the call to holiness is a vocation common to all Christians.

Romana, n. 61, July-December 2015, p. 310-311.

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