Videos about St. Josemaría
The splendor of holiness
The Santa Chiara club has produced an Italian-language series of videos about saints entitled The Splendor of Holiness. The one dedicated to St. Josemaría bears the title Josemaría Escriva, lo splendore del divino nel quotidiano [Josemaría Escrivá, the splendor of the divine in daily life]. The narrator is a discalced Carmelite, Antonio Sicari; the program includes testimonies by professionals in various fields. It was broadcast by the Italian television network Rete4, on June 27, 2010, and went on sale in Italian stores and kiosks in December.
A saint in the Spanish civil war
The Information Office of the Prelature of Opus Dei in the United States has produced two brief videos of an historical character about St. Josemaría. The videos are found on the new YouTube channel of Opus Dei. The first one, Who was Josemaría Escrivá? sketches his life, while the second, Josemaría Escrivá in the Spanish Civil War, is centered on the experiences of St. Josemaría in the years 1936-1939, when he had to spend many months in hiding in Madrid and later crossed the Pyrenees to the part of Spain free of religious persecution
Paul VI at Centro Elis
A video of Pope Paul VI’s visit to Centro Elis in 1965. “Tutto qui è Opus Dei” [Here everything is Opus Dei], Paul VI told Josemaría Escrivá during his visit to the Elis school of formation in Rome. This center in a poor district of Rome, where thousands of young people have acquired professional formation, arose at the desire of John XXIII. The video with the filming of the Holy Father’s visit is available in full on
Romana, n. 51, January-January 2010, p. 368-369.