Other new publications
New editions of works of St. Josemaría
Tchanaparh, Yerevan, Endhanrakan, 2010. First edition of The Way in Eastern Armenian, 278 pages.
Samtal med Josemaría Escrivá, Ängelholm, Catolica, 2010. First edition of Conversations in Swedish, 218 pages.
Íst’s Kristom: homilie, Bratislava, Lúc, 2010. First edition of Christ Is Passing By in Slovak, 250 pages.
Svetais Rozukronis, Riga, Zvaignzne ABC, 2010. First edition of Holy Rosary in Latvian, 134 pages.
Tràng Hat Mán Côi, Hanoi, Nhà Xuat Bàn Ton Giáo, 2010. First edition of Holy Rosary in Vietnamese, 112 pages.
Krizev pot, Ljubljana, Druzina, 2010. First edition of Way of the Cross in Slovenian.
Amare il mondo appassionatamente, Milano, Ares, 2010. First edition in Italian, 85 pages.
Amigos de Dios, San José de Costa Rica, Promesa, 2010. First Costa Rican edition, 381 pages.
Forge, Paris, le Laurier, 2010. Second edition of The Forge in French, with a revised and corrected translation.
Santo Rosario, San José de Costa Rica, Promesa, 2010. Third Costa Rican edition, 121 pages.
Amigos de Deus, Lisbon, Prumo/Diel, 2010. Fourth Portuguese edition of Friends of God.
Camí, Terrassa, Albada 2010. Eighth revised Catalan edition of The Way, 349 pages. The cover reproduces the original cover of the book.
Books about St. Josemaría
San Josemaría Escrivá, Orar: su pensamiento spiritual. Published by Jose Pedro Manglano, Barcelona, Planeta, 2010, 347 pages.
Miguel Dolz, San Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer: mi madre la Iglesia, Madrid, Edibesa, 2010. First Spanish Edition of Mia Madre la Chiesa, 399 pages.
Michele Dolz, Moja matka kosciól: Zycie Sw. Josemarii Escrivy zalozyciela Opus Dei, Warszawa, Pax, 2010. First Polish edition of Mia Madre la Chiesa, 239 pages.
Pilar Urbano, Roma nel cuore. Gli anni romani di San Josemaría,Trapani, Il Pozzo di Giacobbe, 2010. New Italian edition of the biography The Man of Villa Tevere.
Gerard J.M. van den Aardweg, Swieci sie nie skarza. Dorjrzalosc ludzka na przykladzie sw. Josemarii Escrivy, Krakow, Wydawnictwo M, 2010. First Polish edition of this biography of St. Josemaría, 362 pages.
Alfred Llahi i Segalàs and Jordi Piferrer i Deu, Andora: tierra de acogida. El paso de San Josemaría Escrivá por Andorra, Madrid, Rialp, 2010. First Castillian edition, 128 pages.
John O’Dogherty, On Retreat with St. Josemaría Escrivá, New York, Scepter Publishers, 2010. First English edition, 140 pages.
Johannes Vilar, Die Welt und der Christ. Meilensteine der Spiritualität des heiligen Josefmaria Escrivá, Wien, Verlag Fassbaender, 2010, 384 pp.
Carmela Politi Cenere, Napoli e le certezze di San Josemaría, Napoli, Rolando Editore, 2010. First Italian Edition.
Carlos Zambrano and Luis Chumpitaz, Blanco y el Pilar de Zaragoza. Años de juventud de San Josemaría, Lima, Infobrax y Vida y familia, 2010. First ed. 57 pages. Includes a CD. This is the third book in a children’s series.
Gruppo il Sicomoro, San Josemaría Escrivá, Trapani, Il Pozzo di Giacobbe. First edition, 24 pages. A book for children.
Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Mysli sw. Josemarii na kazdydzien, Poznan, Swiety Wojciech, 2010. First edition, 400 pages. “Thoughts” for each day of the year, in Polish, extracted from the works of St. Josemaría. This is the third in a series; the first two volumes collected phrases from Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
Romana, n. 51, January-January 2010, p. 366-368.