Lagos (Nigeria) -- A fashion workshop organized by the Lekki Ladies Club
On June 20 a workshop on fashion was organized by the Lekki Club, with 45 people in attendance. The central theme, “Authentically Fashionable,” was based on the teachings of St. Josemaría Escrivá on daily life as an opportunity for an encounter with God. The workshop was intended to create a forum in which young professionals could make their voices heard in favor of modesty in style as furthering the dignity of women.
Belinda Nwosu, from the Lekki Club, Joy Essien, fashion consultant for The Guardian, and Morenike Taire, fashion editor for The Vanguard, were the principal speakers.
Ms. Nwosu spoke on “Dignity in Fashion: Being Faithful to Oneself.” She emphasized the difference between fashion that tries to attract attention and that which truly generates greater interest in a person. She also pointed out the relationship between the loss of the sense of modesty in women and the deterioration of values in society, reflected in the increase of sexual violence and the lack of civic awareness.
“The Business of Fashion - Who Pulls the Strings?” was the title of the intervention by Joy Essien, who began with some considerations on how the fashion industry has become a business of enormous proportions. She described the role of the fashion press and distributors in determining what is presented as “fashionable” in the media and then in stores.
The presentation by Morenike Taire, “Fashion and Beauty — What is Appropriate for Me?,” was aimed at helping those present to grasp that elegance means creating a style of one's own which, taking into account the different changes in fashion, presents in a harmonious and serene way one's own appearance. Dressing well is a stimulus for personal creativity and demands the development of good taste.
The workshop concluded with the decision, shared by all the participants, to take a more active role in a new definition of feminine fashion, starting with themselves. The elegant person knows who she is and feels comfortable with herself; she believes in herself and is aware of her true dignity.
Romana, n. 46, January-June 2008, p. 145-146.