Almaty (Kazakhstan) -- "Young Citizens Initiative"
“Young Citizens
For several years, the Kazaja Foundation has been working on social and educational projects aimed at giving formation to women in rural areas. For the young university and professional women who take part in the project, it is a great challenge to transmit what they have learned to people who have not had the same opportunity, and who through that small stimulus can improve their present living standards to some extent.
Several theoretical sessions on leadership and initiative help the young women to appreciate the relevance of their work. On Saturdays they gather to go by car to the villages of Saimasai, Zhanashar and Amangueldi. On the way there they normally review and speak about the topics they are going to teach, and on the return trip they share their experiences and discuss ways of explaining the concepts better.
Another part of the program is the magazine “Woman Today,” which is published quarterly. The editors gather once a week to discuss the topics and the focus of the articles it will contain. In these meetings they reflect on how to cast the light of the Christian message on problems confronting women today. The publication reaches many people.
The aim of the project and of the magazine is to help many people acquire a vision of solidarity and of true humanity in their work. At the same time, the young women who participate in these social and educational projects grow in their own Christian life.
Romana, n. 46, January-June 2008, p. 141.