Il Kelston Club è un'iniziativa apostolica per la formazione dei ragazzi, sorta a Londra nel 1964. In occasione del 25º anniversario, Mons. Alvaro del Portillo ha inviato ai dirigenti e ai soci del Club la seguente lettera.
Rome, September 13, 1989
Very Dear Clifford: May Jesus watch over my sons of the Kelston Club for me!
Upon returning to Rome from my trip to Zaire and Cameroon, where I have felt especially the intercession of our Father and the prayer of the whole Work —including that of my sons in London—, I have received your letter of 14 August. I write right away to tell you that I accompany you with all my affection in celebrating your first twenty-five years.
Deo gratias! This aspiration will sum up in good measure your prayer at this time. I too give thanks with my whole heart to the Lord and to his Blessed Mother for the blessings which they have bestowed on the work that you have carried out, and for the protection that they have constantly given you. With great faith I have recourse to the intercession of our beloved Founder, asking that Kelston Club be an ever more effective instrument for inculcating a deep sense of Christian life among young people, teaching them to develop human and supernatural virtues in their daily occupations.
Please pray for my intentions and for me. I pray for you with great affection. Aunt Caroline from heaven will join in your commemoration. Go to her also to help you obtain abundant graces and solve so many matters.
With a special blessing for my Kelston sons, for the members and for all who have passed through the Club and for your families, I remain
Your Father
Romana, n. 9, Luglio-Dicembre 1989, p. 255.