Dedication of a Street in Taormina (Italy)
On Sunday, November 7, 2021, a street in the town of Taormina was named after the founder of Opus Dei. Taormina is located on Sicily’s Ionian coast. The mayor, Mario Bolognari, named a street after St. Josemaría Escrivá in a public ceremony attended by many local residents.
Aldo Capucci, a historian and scholar of the life of the founder of Opus Dei, participated in the event and spoke some words. He recalled the love of the founder for Sicily, and in particular his trip in June 1948, when he passed through Taormina on his way back from Catania to Messina. Don Bruno Padula made the benedictio loci, blessing the place that now presides over the street sign with the name of the saint.
Romana, n. 73, July-December 2021, p. 74-75.