
The Church, a Family of Families

Coinciding with the celebration of the Year of the Family, inaugurated by Pope Francis on March 19 (the Solemnity of St. Joseph), this issue of Romana brings together various initiatives that focus on the beauty and joy of family love.

At the beginning of the Year of the Family, Pope Francis said: “In this time of pandemic, in the midst of so many psychological, financial and health difficulties, family ties have been and continue to be severely tested. But at the same time they remain the firmest point of reference, the strongest support, the irreplaceable safeguard for the stability of the entire human and social community.”

And, referring to the personal and social function of families, he added: “Let us support the family! Let us defend it from what compromises its beauty. Let us approach this mystery of love with wonder, discretion and tenderness. And let us commit ourselves to safeguarding its precious and delicate bonds: children, parents, grandparents . . . We need these bonds to live and to live well, to make humanity more fraternal” (Francis, March 19, 2021).

The upcoming World Meeting of Families with the Holy Father, at the end of this special year, will have as its theme “Family Love: A Vocation and a Path to Holiness.” As the Prelate of Opus Dei reminded us, this motto resonates as a call for each of the Church's faithful to try to be “better witnesses to God’s love in our own environment, especially in the family.” This effort includes “looking for ways to care for other families, for people in need and for the poor. I am sure,” he continued, “that, with initiative, each family will find creative ways to be, as Saint Josemaría wanted, sowers of peace and joy” (Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz, Message of March 19, 2021).

Thus throughout this year, the Church – the family of God’s children, brothers and sisters in Christ – wishes to be at the service of all families, to be their support and a source of inspiration.

Romana, n. 73, July-December 2021, p. 9.

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