
St. Josemaría parish in Madrid is now five years old

The parish of St. Josemaría Escrivá, in Aravaca, Madrid, is now five years old. Established in June 2007, its first steps were assisted by three institutions—a hospital and two homes for the elderly—that provided space for celebrating Mass and other pastoral needs.

On January 7, 2009, work began on a provisional church, with a capacity for about three hundred people. Constructed with the help of many families and institutions, this site will be used for the next few years, while the necessary resources are gathered to build the definitive church. It was inaugurated on May 17, 2009, the anniversary of the beatification of the founder of Opus Dei.

The sanctuary is presided over by a reredos in which each scene is inspired by an aspiration or phrase from the Scripture in which St. Josemaría saw summarized the spirit and mission God had entrusted to him. This provisional building has two confessionals, and whenever the church is open a priest is available to administer the sacrament of forgiveness.

Besides Holy Mass and the administration of the other sacraments, the parish offers many other activities: catechesis for children, young people and adults; courses of family development; groups of social volunteers; and an “employment market” that so far has obtained positions for seventy people. Every Thursday after the 8:30 evening Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration.

The Prelate of Opus Dei visited the parish on July 5, 2009, taking advantage of one of his brief trips to Madrid.

Romana, n. 54, January-June 2012, p. 117.

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