Valencia, Spain -- Spiritual direction and accompaniment
“Spiritual direction and accompaniment” was the title of the thirteenth annual “Dialogues in Theology,” organized by the Almudi Priests’ Library and the St. Vincent Ferrer School of Theology in the diocese of Valencia.
The theme was an in-depth consideration of Benedict XVI’s message on March 12, 2009 to the Apostolic Penitentiary: “Spiritual direction also contributes to forming consciences. Today there is a greater need than in the past for wise and holy ‘spiritual teachers’: this is an important ecclesial service. This of course requires an inner vitality which must be implored as a gift from the Holy Spirit in intense and prolonged prayer and with a special training that must be acquired with care.”
Among those taking part as speakers in this year’s dialogue were: Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco, Archbishop of Madrid; Bishop Agustín Cortés of San Feliu de Llobregat; Dr. Aurelio Castilla, a psychiatrist; Fr. Jesús Higueras, pastor of Santa Maria de Caná, in Madrid; and Fr. Miguel Navarro, director of formation at the Royal Seminary College of El Patriarcha, Valencia. The sessions took place in the auditorium of the St. Vincent Ferrer School of Theology.
Romana, n. 52, January-June 2011, p. 133-134.