Curitaba, (Brazil) -- Theater for the moral formation of adolescents
Ecclesiastical authorities, politicians, doctors and Catholic educators have joined in denouncing the intensification of a national campaign of immoral propaganda in Brazil directed at adolescents and children, while doing everything possible to provide sound guidelines for the consciences of parents, educators and youth.
An interesting initiative in this regard, in the city of Curitiba, is that of a young theater director Pierre Ruthes, who has helped out in various apostolic undertakings that faithful and cooperators of Opus Dei carry out in the capital of the Brazilian state of Paraná. Seeking to provide moral guidelines to high school students, he wrote a theatrical piece entitled O que é que eu vou dizer lá em casa? [What am I going to say when I get home?] With clarity and refinement, this short play confronts the sophisms of current campaigns and tries to help adolescents understand that it is necessary to say “yes” to right values and “no” to wrong decisions.
This theater piece has been shown to more than 3,000 students in the high schools of Curitiba and other towns in the region. It will also be shown to an audience of 1,000 teachers and principals of schools in the state of Paraná. Hopefully a good number of them will ask to have the piece presented in their own schools.
Romana, n. 38, January-June 2004, p. 90.