Miramar (Portugal) -- The family in the twenty--first century
At the end of the summer, the traditional gatherings organized for cooperators of Opus Dei and their friends in this part of the world were held at Fatima and in the Enxomil Conference Center, near Oporto. The central topic was “The family in the twenty-first century.” The talks offered by the conferences were as varied as family and professional life itself: the personal prayer of parents; current problems concerning marriage: an optimistic view; the family and professional work, etc. A well-known psychiatrist from Oporto gave a presentation on personality disorders and how to provide support for friends and family members who suffer from them.
Those attending were able to see a catechetical get-together with St. Josemaría, and another with Bishop Javier Echevarría from one of his recent pastoral visits to Portugal. Many of those attending the conferences had been present at this get-together with the Prelate of Opus Dei, along with their families. Those present at the Shrine of Fatima, as the Year of the Rosary was ending, entrusted to our Lady the intentions of the Holy Father and the fruit from these days.
Romana, n. 37, July-December 2003, p. 82.