At Istmo University, Guatemala City
An academic act at Istmo University on June 27 inaugurated a program of activities about Blessed Josemaria that continued throughout the second half of the year and was scheduled to culminate on January 9, 2002.
The inaugural meeting dealt with aspects of the message of Opus Dei’s founder connected with Christian social action and secularity. Guillermo Mata, rector of Istmo University, welcomed those attending (professors, students, representatives of other universities, ambassadors and civil authorities) and gave some brief reflections on Blessed Josemaria’s university spirit.
Father Julio Ortiz read an address by Archbishop Rodolfo Quezada of Guatemala City on “Blessed Josemaria and secularity,” which the prelate could not present in person. The economist José Molina, secretary of the university board of trustees, spoke on “Christian social action in the teaching of Blessed Josemaria.”
Romana, n. 33, July-December 2001, p. 198-199.