
A Grateful Poet (Bari, Italy)

Gianfranco Longo, professor at the University of Bari, has published in electronic format (Edizioni Santa Croce), a long poem in tercets in which he pays homage to the founder of Opus Dei. Its title is L'Opera di Dio. San Josemaría Escrivá, la filiazione divina, il focolare di casa nelle età della vita. It consists of three parts: Book I. Generazione, memoria; Book II. La chiamata universale alla santità; Book III. La vite e i tralci.

The author says it is partly a philosophical and theological essay, while also being poetry. Longo has been teaching the philosophy of peace since 2019, when he suggested the inclusion of this subject in the curriculum for students of political philosophy and the philosophy of law.

In addition to poetry and philosophical works, Longo has also published narrative fiction.

Romana, n. 78, January-June 2024, p. 95.

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