Letter of October 6th Regarding the Upcoming General Congress
My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
As I already informed you, we are studying in the General Council and Central Advisory how to carry out what the Pope asked of us regarding bringing the Statutes of the Work into line with the Motu proprio Ad charisma tuendum.
In the Dicastery for the Clergy we have been advised not to limit ourselves to considering only what refers to the dependence of the Prelature on this Dicastery and the change from every five years to annual reporting to the Holy See on the Prelature’s activities. We should also propose other possible adjustments to the Statutes that seem appropriate in light of the Motu proprio. We have also been advised to spend as much time as necessary without any hurry.
Since this is an initiative of the Holy See, it is not necessary to hold the General Congresses foreseen in order to introduce changes in the Statutes (cf. no. 181, § 3). Nevertheless, with the favorable opinion of the Central Advisory and the General Council, I will convene an Extraordinary General Congress with that precise and limited purpose, which will take place in the first half of 2023.
To prepare for this work of the men and women who will take part in this Congress, it is also important to receive, well in advance, the contributions of those who wish to send specific suggestions. Soon you will receive guidelines on how and when to send these to me, to help facilitate their study.
Keep in mind that it is a question of complying with what the Holy See has indicated, not of proposing any change that might seem interesting to us. Along with the desire to be faithful to our founder’s legacy, it is important to keep in mind the good for everyone that the legal stability of an institution entails.
Naturally, the text of the Motu proprio can give rise to other suggestions, apart from what is related to the Statutes, to give new impetus to the apostolic work. We will ask you to send these later, when future Work Weeks are convoked.
Let us entrust all of this effort to the intercession of Saint Josemaría, as we celebrate the twentieth anniversary of his canonization today. Let us ask our Lord that the charism God entrusted to our Father in the service of the Church may bear fruit with renewed strength in the life of each one of us, as Pope Francis has urged us.
Romana, n. 75, July-December 2022, p. 206-207.