
Archbishop of Florianopolis, Brazil, Receives Request to Open the Beatification Process of Marcelo Henrique Camara, Supernumerary of Opus Dei

On November 25, 2018, Archbishop Wilson Thaddeus Jönck of Florianopolis, Brazil, received the petition to open the process of beatification of the young layman Marcelo Henrique Câmara, a member of Opus Dei. The official ceremony took place in the cathedral of Florianopolis, and was presented by Vitor Galdino Feller and Maria Zoê Bellani Lyra Espíndola, postulator and vice-postulator of the cause respectively.

Marcelinho, as he was known to his family and friends, was born in Florianopolis on June 28, 1979. He graduated in Law in 2002 and was a prosecutor in Santa Catarina for a short period. In the Emmaus Movement he received the grace of a deep conversion. In April 2006 he asked for admission as a supernumerary in Opus Dei.

He began to live the spirit of the Work in an exemplary manner and carried out an extensive apostolate with his friends and acquaintances, many of whom drew closer to the Church. Some of them also discovered the vocation to Opus Dei.

His close union with God helped him to receive serenely the news in 2004 that he had cancer. He underwent a long treatment and offered his suffering to God, while trying to fulfill faithfully his professional, family and social commitments.

He died on March 20, 2008, Holy Thursday, at the age of twenty-eight. Since then, his reputation for holiness has grown and many people have recourse to his intercession.

The process of beatification is being promoted by the Associação Marcelinho Henrique Câmara, formed by his friends and people with devotion to him.

Romana, n. 67, July-December 2018, p. 302-303.

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