
On the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord (August 6, 2018)

During the journeys of these months I am filled with gratitude to God to see how in so many places, daughters and sons of mine are setting up and developing projects so that Christ’s message and his call to holiness may reach many souls. Some of these projects are big, others smaller, and they are always accompanied by a spirit of service and sincere friendship with everyone. It is wonderful to see everywhere the same spirit and with such different faces.

It is also a reason for joy and gratitude to God to see how these apostolic projects, together with those organized by other institutions, are contributing to personal and social progress in broad sectors of many countries.

Don’t fail to unite yourselves to my prayer for each and every person.

Buenos Aires, August 6, 2018

Romana, n. 67, July-December 2018, p. 281.

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