
Twenty-fifth Marian Family Day at Torreciudad

On September 5th, the shrine of Torreciudad celebrated its 25th Marian Family Day. Since 1990 the shrine has hosted a yearly Marian pilgrimage of families, a festive congress of prayer to Our Lady of Torreciudad.

The 25th Family Day brought together some 18,000 people. The Prelate of Opus Dei, Bishop Javier Echevarría, presided at Mass on the esplanade of the shrine. In his homily, he urged people to pray for the families of refugees seeking asylum in Europe, and also for the Synod of Bishops on the Family that was soon to take place in Rome. “Since Pope Francis convoked the Synodal assembly,” Bishop Echevarría said, “he has not ceased asking for special prayers from everyone for the results of this Synod. Let us echo this petition by passing it on to many people.” The Prelate also urged, citing words of Pope Francis, that the family might “rediscover its vocation and mission,” through an evangelization that includes everyone.

Romana, n. 61, July-December 2015, p. 316-317.

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