Sydney, Australia -- Reflections on the Family
“Love is our Mission: the Family is Alive” was the theme chosen by Creston College for its annual Easter Seminar, in light of Pope Francis’ catechesis on the family and the upcoming Ordinary Synod of Bishops.
The various addresses highlighted the family as the basic cell of society, where personal identity and Christian commitment take root in each of its members. Among the topics considered were human relationships and the practical consequences of true love in marriage.
The closing conference, entitled “A Home for the Wounded Heart: Pastoral Challenges in the Church,” made clear the need for understanding people and staying close to those with “wounded hearts” to help them return to union with the Church. One of the workshops explored the encyclical Humanae Vitae and helped participants analyze the repercussions of the contraceptive mentality of the last sixty years.
Romana, n. 60, January-June 2015, p. 125.