St. Josemaría on-line
In recent months, the web pages www.Josemarí and have been enriched with multimedia sections that help to better understand St. Josemaría’s life and message.
The first of these now offers an “interactive timeline” on the life of St. Josemaría and the history of Opus Dei, with photographs, videos, and brief texts. The number of languages in which one can view this page has also been increased, since Dutch and Croation have now been added to the eight languages previously available.
Among the new features of the second web page are two short videos about St. Josemaría: “Who was Josemaría Escrivá?” and “Josemaría Escrivá in the Spanish Civil War,” along with a photo gallery with many photos from the saint’s life.
The message of St. Josemaría is also reaching more people thanks to the social networks. An example is the @sJosemaría account on Twitter, which although only a few months old already has over 600 followers and 1,000 tweets.
Romana, n. 52, January-June 2011, p. 112.