New volume of Studia et Documenta
The fifth volume of Studia et Documenta, the review of the St. Josemaría Escrivá Historical Institute, has been published. This volume contains, among other articles, two brief biographical sketches of faithful of Opus Dei--Juan Jimenez Vargas (1913-1997), and Dora del Hoyo (1914-2004)--and a recounting of St. Josemaría’s meetings with ecclesiastical personalities during the years of the Second Vatican Council.
The documentation section contains an account of the audiences that the first members of Opus Dei in Rome had with Pius XII; a note on the pilgrimage that St. Josemaría made in 1935 with two faithful of Opus Dei to the shrine of our Lady of Sonsoles, in Avila; and a letter on personal prelatures written in 1983 by Cardinal Sebastiano Baggio, Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, to Msgr. Alvaro del Portillo.
Four articles look at apostolic initiatives urged forward by St. Josemaría in the fifties and sixties: a school of hotel management (Kibondeni) in Kenya; a business school in Spain that today enjoys great prestige (IESE); and two student residences, Müngersdorf and Netherhall House, in Germany and England respectively.
The volume ends with two contributions, one literary in emphasis and the other linguistic, about The Way, and a general bibiliographic section.
Romana, n. 52, January-June 2011, p. 113.