
New version of the St. Josemaría web site

Since 2003, the year when the St. Josemaría web page began, thousands of messages have been received. These testify to the universal spread of the teachings of the Founder of Opus Dei, the fruitfulness of his life and the trust with which many people seek his intercession.

Now its new design and structure make it even easier for the visitor to meet with St. Josemaría and with those who have discovered through him a path to turn their professional work and the ordinary circumstances of their lives into occasions to love God and to serve the Church and all mankind with joy.

Some of the new features of the website include an interactive timeline of St. Josemaría’s life and the history of Opus Dei through photos, videos and brief texts displayed chronologically; the multimedia player with videos about the Founder of Opus Dei, audios of his books, galleries of photos, personal testimonies, etc.; and finally, a screen of tags to easily locate the most visited contents.

Romana, n. 49, July-December 2009, p. 318.

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