Other publications about the founder of Opus Dei
The French translation of a book by Flavio Capucci on cures attributed to Saint Josemaría has been published jointly by Wilson & Lafleur of Montreal and Le Laurier of París under the title Un monde de miracles.
In Italy, a number of different books have been published in connection with the canonization. Giorno per Giorno con San Josemaría is an anthology of quotes from the saint’s writings for each day of the year, edited by Michele Dolz (Ed. Ares, Milan, 2002). A biography of the new saint, written by Andrea Tornielli, was published with the title Escrivá, fondatore dell’Opus Dei (Piemme, Casale Monferrato 2002).
In December, Ares publishers in Milan republished the biography of Saint Josemaría by Michele Dolz that was offered in seven languages on the occasion of the canonization of Opus Dei’s founder.
Città Nuova published an Italian edition of a book by Guillaume Derville with the title Emmaus è il mondo. Pregare con Josemaría Escrivá, (Rome, 2002). The book has also been published in Spanish as 15 días con Josemaría Escrivá..
In Germany, Adamas Verlag published the book by Pedro Casciaro, Nicht einmal im Traum. Its English title is Dream and Your Dreams Will Fall Short.
With the title Mestre de bom humor, Quadrante publisher of São Paulo brought out a Portuguese translation of José Luis Soria’s book Maestro de buen humor. It presents many examples of the new saint’s marvelous sense of humor
In Portugal, Edições DIEL of Lisbon published in December a book of photographs and texts entitled Josemaría Escrivá, Fundador do Opus Dei. Peregrino de Fátima, by Manuel Martínez, which describes the visits of Saint Josemaría to the famous Marian shrine.
In Spain a number of books have been published during this six month period. Three of them are historical guides:
Josemaría Escrivá en las calles de Madrid (Rialp), by Ignacio Fernández Zavala, is a short guide to sites in Spain’s capital connected with the founder of Opus Dei. Another guide is Josemaría Escrivá en la catedral de la Almudena (Rialp), by José Miguel Cejas. La Valencia que conoció San Josemaría Escrivá, Fundador del Opus Dei, published by Carena Editors and written by Juan Luis Corbín Ferrer, includes numerous illustrations in color and black and white recalling the most important moments spent by the founder of Opus Dei in Valencia.
Two biographies of Saint Josemaría for children have also been made available. Edibesa publisher has edited a comic book, by Pedro and Pilar de la Herran, with pictures by Pilarin Bayes, which is entitled Josemaría Escrivá. Meanwhile Magisterio Casals has published, in its collection of biographies for young people, La aventura de ser santo, by Miguel Ángel Cárceles.
Edicep publishers in Valencia has published a book entitled Sacerdotes para el tercer milenio. El sacerdocio a la luz de los escritos y la doctrina del Beato Josemaría. This book gathers together ten talks on the priesthood given at a theology conference on the teachings of the founder of Opus Dei. A number of bishops and professors in various schools of theology took part.
Other books published in Spain during this period include the Spanish translation of John Coverdale’s Uncommon Faith: the Early Years of Opus Dei. The Spanish edition by Ariel publishers is entitled La fundación del Opus Dei. And Monte Carmelo publishers issued the biography San Josemaría Escrivá. Un sembrador de paz, by José Miguel Cejas.
In the Philippines a video entitled Gintong Yaman sa Ordinaryong Buhay [The Greatness of Ordinary Life] has been made available. It shows the widespread devotion to Saint Josemaría throughout the country, while also presenting various apostolic initiatives and social projects promoted by faithful of Opus Dei. The video was transmitted by the national television network on October 6.
Another video published during these months is La Joie de la Sainteté, the French translation of La alegría de la santidad, a short biography of the founder of Opus Dei.
Scepter Publishers, New York, has published To Africa with a Dream, by Olga Marlin. The book describes the growth of the apostolic work of Opus Dei in Africa since 1960, when the author arrived in Kenya.
Many of the first women in Kenya helped start Opus Dei’s apostolic work all over Africa. “From Kenya, women of Opus Dei went to start the apostolic activities of the Work in Nigeria, the Ivory Coast, the Congo, Cameroon, Uganda and South Africa.”
Verbinum publishers of Warsaw has issued O chlopcu, który powiedzial “Tak.” This is a Polish translation of the illustrated children’s book Historia de un sí [Yes: The Life of Saint Josemaría for Young Readers], by Miguel Angel Carceles and Isabel Torra. In Guatemala City, the Spanish edition of the book was printed as a special insert in the newspaper La Prensa Libre, in its daily edition for October 6. One hundred thousand copies were distributed.
Spring Publications of Hong Kong has published Muhk Yuhk choi Jyu dik Cheun Fung Leuih (Immersed in the Breeze of God), the first Chinese edition of the interview with Bishop Alvaro del Portillo about Saint Josemaría that was entitled Immersed in God in its English translation.
At the end of the year, Ares publishers of Milan issued a photographic volume on the canonization of Saint Josemaría entitled 6 ottobre 2002: La canonizzazione di Josemaría Escrivá, Fondatore dell’Opus Dei. It also contains the homilies delivered during those days, both at the Mass of canonization and at the many Masses of thanksgiving that took place in Rome.
Romana, n. 35, July-December 2002, p. 351-353.