New editions and printings of the works of Saint Josemaría
On October 6, 2002, printing was completed on the first bilingual Spanish-Guarani edition of The Way, in Asunción, Paraguay. Entitled Tape, it has a first run of 3,000 copies.
The publishing companies Apostolicum, in Warsaw, and Ksiêgarnia oew. Jacka, in Katowice, have published the books Holy Rosary (fourth Polish edition) and The Way of the Cross (second Polish edition) in a single volume, with a run of five thousand copies. The same publishers have also issued the eleventh printing of Droga (The Way) which has now reached a total of 100,000 copies in Polish.
Logos Publishers in Tallinn has brought out the first edition of The Way of the Cross in Estonian, entitled Ristitee.
In the United States, Scepter Publishers is making available a new commemorative edition of all the published works of Saint Josemaría.
Romana, n. 35, July-December 2002, p. 350.