First hotel week
Cotia, Brazil
From September 2 to 5, the Casa do Moinho Professional Training Center held its first “Hotel Week.” More than a hundred people took part. The speakers underlined the importance of always applying a professional mentality to work in the service sector, whether this involves hotel guests, the kitchen of a student residence, the laundry services in a hospital, etc. Among those participating was Mara Sueli Nunes Silveira, representing the Department of Education of Cotia, the municipality in which Casa do Moinho is located.
In collaboration with the local government, the center has initiated a program entitled “Apprenticeship in Tourism and Hospitality” aimed at the public schools in the city. One of the objectives of the project is to help girls in the area learn to appreciate, from an early age, the importance of jobs in the service sector and to see them as a possible field of work and personal fulfillment.
Romana, n. 35, July-December 2002, p. 362.