A conference on the life and teachings of Saint Josemaría
A conference was held on November 16 in the Meritus Negara Hotel, Singapore, to commemorate the canonization of Saint Josemaría. Two hundred people participated in the conference, which was entitled “The Greatness of Ordinary Life.”
The first talk, given by Margaret Teo, a lawyer, was a half-hour presentation on the life and work of the Founder of Opus Dei. The second address was by Father Alfred Chang, a diocesan priest of Singapore who spoke on the role of the laity in the Church in the light of the Second Vatican Council. After the first two talks, a question and answer period was held, in which a number of people expressed their interest in the activities of the Opus Dei Prelature.
The third lecture, on the sanctification of ordinary life, was given by Monica Lim, a mother of six and director of Parents for Education, an institution promoted by faithful of Opus Dei and Cooperators. This was followed by a talk by Joann and John Ooi, also the parents of six children. They discussed their experience in balancing an intense Christian life, care for a large family, and a demanding professional work.
The conference ended with the projection of the video “The Joy of Holiness,” a biographical documentary on Saint Josemaría Escrivá.
Romana, n. 35, July-December 2002, p. 365.