Message of June 17
My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
On the 26th of this month, we will celebrate the feast of Saint Josemaría. In this brief message, I would like to consider his words in a letter dated May 31, 1954: “In the human sphere, I want to leave you as a legacy love for freedom and good humor.”
Loving our own freedom and the freedom of others has many aspects and manifestations that we have often considered and, above all, try to live. On January 9, 2018, I wrote you a long letter on this topic. Now I would like to reflect on the second part of the inheritance that our Father refers to: good humor. The state of mind that we refer to when we talk about being in good humor is usually understood as a readiness to notice and point out the amusing aspects of situations.
Of course, there are circumstances in life that are in no way amusing. But even then, we can preserve the joy that stems above all from faith in God’s immense love for each one of us, and that is the deepest root of good humor and transcends what is superficial. This joy is closely tied to humble forgetfulness of oneself and thinking about others, seeing our life in terms of service. As Saint Josemaría said: “We will never have genuine joy if we do not really try to imitate Jesus. Like him we must be humble” (Christ Is Passing By, no. 18).
Before finishing, I would like to ask you to pray for two intentions: the next meeting of experts on the Statutes, which will take place at the end of the month; and the spiritual fruit of my trip to some countries in Europe and America in the coming months.
Rome, June 17, 2024
Romana, n. 78, January-June 2024, p. 75-76.