Healing and Resolution Office (Argentina)
Based on the experience, in July and August of 2022, of the Listening and Study Commission in relation to the public statements made by 43 women who belonged to Opus Dei, in December the Vicar of the La Plata Region, Juan Llavallol, decided to establish a Healing and Resolution Office that will operate on a permanent basis and will be open to people who have belonged to Opus Dei and wish to come forward to resolve any questions or talk about their experiences in the Prelature. The Healing and Resolution Office aims to find paths for dialogue that will provide channels for the personalized resolution of possible complaints and promote healing processes. It will be coordinated by people trained to talek part in this kind of listening process, among whom there will be members of Opus Dei and also people from outside the institution. To contact that office, one can send an email to escucha.ar@opusdei.org.
The previous Listening and Study Commission, which was set up as a response to statements made in the media without formal accusations to the Courts, was open to the women who made the claims and also to those who, having lived and worked with them, wished to give their point of view, as well as to persons with management responsibilities in the Prelature during the years to which the claims refer. A total of 151 interviews were carried out: 30 with persons who were members of Opus Dei, including some of the women who made the statements; 111 with current members of Opus Dei; and 10 with persons who never belonged to the institution.
As a result of the recommendations of the Listening and Study Commission, the Regional Vicar has also decided to ask the civil associations that promote formation and assistance projects inspired by the teachings of Opus Dei to continue to review the labor and social security issues of the people who work in them. He also asked those associations to update their agreements with the Prelature, with the aim of placing special emphasis on the development of good labor practices, in accordance with the principles of Catholic social ethics. With regard to the spiritual accompaniment of the assistant numeraries, he also decided to open a process of analysis to ensure better the necessary distinction between the spiritual and professional spheres. He also welcomed the proposal to intensify the specific formation of those who accompany in the process of vocational discernment, training them more fully for this task.
In the context of these resolutions, the Regional Vicar, in addition to making his own the request for forgiveness for the wounds that have been caused, also wished to express his deep respect and gratitude to all the assistant numeraries and to all the people who in the present or in the past have carried out with generosity and affection the valuable task of caring for people and creating a Christian home environment.
Romana, n. 75, July-December 2022, p. 224-225.