Publishing News
Books of St. Josemaría:
- - St. Josemaría Escrivá: The Collected Letters, Volume 1, Scepter (U.K.), 2021, 1st edition in English, 288 pages. (Translation from the original Spanish Cartas (I).)
- - Lettere vol. 1, Milan, Ed. Ares, 2021, first Italian edition. Translation by Giacomo Franchi and Gianni Salgarelli.
- - Meditations from Holy Rosary by St. Josemaría Escrivá, in Hoffman, Francis Joseph (ed.), Treasures of the Rosary: Reflections by Those Who Pray It Daily, Relevant Radio, 2021, 1st edition, pages 3-21.
- - Solasaldiak, Pamplona, Eunsa, 2021, 1st edition in Basque, 313 pages (translation of Conversations with Msgr. Escrivá de Balaguer).
- - Kristus kulkee Lähelläsi, Helsinki, Finland, 2021, first edition in Finnish (ofChrist Is Passing By).
- - Amigos de Deus-Homilias Portugal, Parede, Ed. Lucerna, 2021, (first edition of Amigos de Dios in Portuguese), with a prologue by Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz. Translation by José Hermínio Bidarra de Almeida. Revision of the text by María José Figueiredo.
- - Sepikoda, Tallinn, Estona, Ed. Gallus, 2021, first edition in Estonian (of The Forge).
- - Amigos de Dios: homilías, Madrid, Rialp, 2021, 35th edition, 480 pages.
- - Camino, Madrid, Rialp, 2021, 93rd edition, 369 pages.
- - Camino, Madrid, Rialp, 2021, 94th edition, 367 pages.
- - Santo Rosario, Madrid, Rialp, 2021, 53rd edition, 129 pages.
- - Via Crucis, Guatemala City, Ediciones RF, S.A., 2021, first Guatemalan edition, 89 pages.
- - Via Crucis, Madrid, Rialp, 2021, 37th edition, 131 pages.
- - Via Crucis, Madrid, Rialp, 2021, 38th edition, 131 pages.
Books About St. Josemaría:
- - Cotelo Villarreal, Javier, Al volante de un santo: Mis años en coche junto a san Josemaría, Madrid, Rialp, 2021, second edition.
Romana, n. 73, July-December 2021, p. 72-73.