Message of August 12
My dear children, may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
At times during the recent months, especially since the beginning of the world health crisis, we have heard the remark, “Everything will turn out well.” Often this is simply a way to accompany another person during a difficult time. But it can also take on a deeper meaning: that of Saint Paul’s words, which Saint Josemaría condensed in the aspiration omnia in bonum: “We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him” (Rom 8:28).
We can’t always see this good right away. At times we can’t even understand it. The fact that we strive to stay close to God does not shield us from the tiredness, perplexity and suffering that life entails. Still, this closeness can lead us to live everything in a different way. At this time we are also making our own the suffering in Lebanon, transforming it into prayer for the deceased and their families, for so many other people and for the country’s stability.
To truthfully say omnia in bonum is a question of faith and of our correspondence with that faith through the conversion of our heart – our love for God and other men and women – when we are faced with our own and our neighbor’s suffering. With faith we can, one way or another, help to make this good a reality.
Therefore if at times we see our faith weakening, let us pray with a sure trust: Lord, increase my faith (cf. Lk 17:5) – and with faith my love, and with love my hope and joy.
Pamplona, 12 August 2020
Romana, n. 70, January-December 2020, p. 88-89.