Reflections on YouTube by the Archbishop of Monterrey, Mexico (June 25, 2020)
Archbishop Rogelio Cabrera, Archbishop of Monterrey and President of the Mexican Bishops Coucil, gave some personal reflections on the figure of Saint Josemaría, transmitted live on YouTube. He approached the saint’s life from the perspective of four Gospel passages that show his love for Sacred Scripture. The texts commented on were: “Lord, that I may see” (Mk 10:51), words spoken by the blind man at Jericho; “Abba, Father” (Rom 8:15); “When I am lifted up from the earth I will draw all things to myself” (Jn 12:32); and the words “Do not be afraid” that appear in various passages of Scripture, (e.g. Lk 1:30).
Bishop Cabrera then referred to how Saint Josemaría’s spiritual life was centered on each of the Persons of the Blessed Trinity and on our Lady. He also pointed to the two guiding arcs his vocation: holiness and apostolate. With regard to apostolate, he underscored the strong link between the teachings of Saint Josemaría and the Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et exultate of Pope Francis, which invites us to seek holiness in our daily lives.
Finally, he emphasized the great importance Saint Josemaría gave to baptism, which makes us children of God and entails a call to the apostolate. He stressed the importance of prayer, patience, good humor and joy in the apostolate, mentioning how the founder of Opus Dei always transmitted peace and joy in the films that are preserved of him.
He concluded by encouraging the faithful to care for their reslatonship with Jesus in the Eucharist: “When a Christian abandons the Eucharist, he or she soon abandons Jesus. The Eucharist is our connection with God. Saint Josemaría always strove to stay close to the Eucharist.”
Romana, n. 70, January-December 2020, p. 103.