Message for the Month of May (May 8, 2019)
My dear children: may Jesus watch over my daughters and sons for me!
We recall very clearly how Saint Josemaria encouraged us always to be giving thanks to God “for everything, because everything is good” (The Way, no. 268). It is a simple and very valuable way to pray.
Let us give thanks to God for all the good things he places in our life and for so many gifts that often we aren’t even aware of. Also in the midst of problems, suffering or the experience of our own weakness, God offers us the opportunity to raise our eyes above immediate concerns and trust in his love. “If you give thanks to God for everything, you will have made great progress in your spiritual life,” Saint Josemaria once told us (March 28, 1971).
A few days ago, we especially thanked our Lord for the ordination of 34 new priests of the Prelature. May this act of thanksgiving lead us to pray for all the Church’s priests so that they respond to the Pope’s urging: “do not fear spending your life for your people” (November 15, 2018).
The beatification of Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri is now imminent. Besides continuing to give thanks, let us ask our Lord to help us understand and live more deeply our ordinary life as a path to sanctity: loving God and others with deeds of service. As we always do, and especially in this month of May, let us have recourse in our prayer to the motherly mediation of Holy Mary.
Romana, n. 68, January-June 2019, p. 103-104.