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Books by St. Josemaría
St. Josemaría Escrivá, Santo Rosario, Mexico City, Minos Tercer Milenio, 2018, 32nd Mexican edition.
St. Josemaría Escrivá, Dieva Draugi, Riga, KALA Raksti, 2018, 352 pages, 1st Latvian edition of Friends of God.
St. Josemaría Escrivá, Calea Crucii, Târgu Lăpuș, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2018, 128 pages, 1st Romanian edition of The Way of the Cross.
St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer, Sfântul Rozariu, Târgu Lăpuș, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2018, 111 pages, 1st Romanian edition of Holy Rosary.
St. Josemaría Escrivá, Mahábbatu el Kanísa, Beirut, Le Laurier, 2018, 1st Arabic edition of In Love with the Church.
St. Josemaría Escrivá, El matrimonio, vocación cristiana [Homily], Mexico City, Minos Tercer Milenio, 2018, 17th Mexican printing.
Books about St. Josemaría
Mariano Fazio, Last of the Romantics: St. Josemaría in the Twenty-First Century, New York, Scepter, 2018, 1st American edition. English translation of El último romántico: san Josemaría en el siglo XXI.
Mariano Fazio, Le dernier des Romantiques. Saint Josémaria Escriva, Paris, Le Laurier, 2018, 1st French edition, 220 pages. French translation of El último romántico: san Josemaría en el siglo XXI.
Maria Aparecida Ferrari (ed.), Lavoro e santità. Colloquium with Msgr. Fernando Ocáriz sull'insegnamento di san Josemaría Escrivá, Rome, Edusc, 2018, 1st edition, 76 pages.
Romana, n. 67, July-December 2018, p. 293-294.