
Decree on the Extraordinary Character of a Cure Attributed to the Venerable Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri, Congregation for the Causes of the Saints (June 8, 2018)




Ven. Servae Dei



Christifidelis laicae

Praelaturae personalis Sanctae Crucis et Operis Dei



Venerabilis Serva Dei Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri y Fernández de Heredia, postrema ex quattuor filiis, nata est Matriti, a piis parentibus, die 12 mensis Decembris anno 1916, in die festo Beatae Mariae Virginis de Gua­dalupe.Doctoralem lauream obtinuit in Scientiis Chimicis, qua ipsa de re docendo operam dare coepit. Anno 1944 postulavit ut in Opere Dei admitte­retur “coelibatum apostolicum” servans. Sanctus Iosephmaria munera eidem commendavit moderandi quaedam incepta evangelizationis Matriti et Bilbai. Anno 1950 Mexicopolim se contulit ut ea in natione labori apostolico Operis Dei inter mulieres initium daret. Ibidem igitur humanae et christianae mul­tarum puellarum institutioni variis in civitatibus impense incubuit. Anno vero 1956, Dei Serva Romam se transtulit, ut Sancto Iosephmariae adiutricem operam praestaret in moderamine apostolatus mulierum Operis Dei. Propter gravem autem cordis infirmitatem sectionem chirurgicam subiit et anno 1958 Matritum rediit, ubi docendo operam dare perrexit et anno 1965 Lauream Pervestigationis in Chimia obtinuit, plenis quidem votis et addito insuper praemio extraordinario. Aegra valetudine non obstante, et docendi officio et apostolatui exercendo inter collegas, alumnas et amicas alacriter incubuit. In­ter alia incepta, centrum studiorum de re domestica moderata est. Die 1 men­sis Iulii anni 1975 subiit gravem chirurgicam sectionem, quia eius cardiopatia in peius versa erat. Perdurante periodo convalescentiae subitaneam crisim su­ffocationis passa est. Die vero 16 mensis Iulii, in festo Beatae Mariae Virgi­nis de Monte Carmelo, animam Deo piissime reddidit. Anno 2017 Summus Pontifex Franciscus heroicitatem virtutum eius agnovit.

Sanctitatis fama qua in vita gaudebat magis magisque diffusa est et haud pauci sunt qui testificantur se a Domino gratias accepisse, quas intercessioni Servae Dei tribuunt. Inter notitias harum gratiarum spiritualium et materia­lium peculiariter eminuit sanatio, anno 2002, viri 76 annos nati a tumore ma­ligno in pelle prope oculum dexterum. Aegrotus intercessionem postulaverat Mariae Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri ad sanationem obtinendam et alias quoque personas rogaverat ut hac ipsa petitione Mariam Guadalupe adirent.

Nocte quadam, cum sollicitus esset propter imminentem chirurgicam sectionem ad cancrum exstirpandum, aegrotus fidenter postulavit a Serva Dei ut illam sectionem vitaret. Mane vero diei subsequentis ipse comperuit lae­sionem tumoralem omnino absumptam esse. De medicorum sententia, scien­tifice explanari nequit exstinctio tumoris cancerosi huius generis sine medica cura. Notandus est insuper modus instantaneus sanationis.

Inquisitio dioecesana super hac sanatione instructa est in archidioecesi barcinonensi, a die 25 mensis Maii anno 2007 ad diem 16 mensis Ianuarii anno 2008; die 24 mensis Octobris anno 2008 haec Congregatio iuridicam validitatem praedicti Processus decrevit. In adunatione habita die 5 mensis Octobris anno 2017, Medicorum Dicasterii Consilium censuit huiusmodi sa­nationem fuisse instantaneam, completam ac definitivam et declaravit ipsam secundum scientiam medicam explanari non posse. Die 1 mensis Martii anno 2018 Peculiaris Congressus Consultorum Theologorum locum habuit; Patres autem Cardinales et Episcopi Ordinaria in Sessione die 5 mensis Iunii anno 2018 congregati sunt, Card. Angelo Amato moderante. In utroque autem Co­etu, sive Consultorum sive Cardinalium et Episcoporum, posito dubio an de miraculo divinitus patrato constaret, responsum affirmativum prolatum est.

Facta demum de hisce omnibus Summo Pontifici Francisco per subscrip­tum Cardinalem Praefectum accurata relatione, Sanctitas Sua, vota Congre­gationis de Causis Sanctorum excipiens rataque habens, hodierna die declara­vit: Constare de miraculo a Deo patrato per intercessionem Venerabilis Servae Dei Mariae Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri y Fernández de Heredia, Christifidelis Laicae Praelaturae personalis Sanctae Crucis et Operis Dei, videlicet de celeri, per­fecta ac constanti sanatione cuiusdam viri a «cancro cutaneo ulcerato».

Hoc autem decretum publici iuris fieri et in Acta Congregationis de Causis Sanctorum Summus Pontifex referri mandavit.

Datum Romae, die 8 mensis Iunii a. D. 2018.

Angelus Card. Amato


+ Marcellus Bartolucci

Archiepiscopus tit. Mevaniensis

a Secretis

Following is our translation of the Latin Decree:

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Of the Venerable Servant of God



of the Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei

(1916 – 1975)


The Venerable Servant of God Guadalupe Ortiz de Landazuri y Fernandez de Heredia was born in Madrid on December 12, 1916, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Her parents were devout Catholics, and she was the youngest of four children. She obtained a degree in chemistry, and started work as a chemistry teacher. In 1944 she asked to be admitted to Opus Dei, living in apostolic celibacy. Saint Josemaría put her in charge of some evangelization initiatives in Madrid and Bilbao. In 1950 she moved to Mexico to begin Opus Dei’s apostolate among women there. She dedicated herself to giving human and Christian formation to young women in various cities and towns. In 1956 the Servant of God was called to Rome to help Saint Josemaría in the governance of the apostolate of the women of Opus Dei. Because of a serious heart problem, she underwent an operation and, from 1958 onwards, she lived in Madrid, where she continued teaching and in 1965 gained her doctorate in chemistry and received a prize for her research. Despite her poor health she continued to dedicate herself with care and enthusiasm to her teaching, and her apostolate with colleagues, students and friends. Among other projects, she directed a domestic services training center. On July 1, 1975, she had a high risk operation as her heart condition had worsened. While convalescing she suffered a sudden respiratory crisis, and devoutly surrendered her soul to God on July 16, the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. In 2017 Pope Francis solemnly recognized her heroic virtues.

The reputation for holiness she had had during her lifetime spread more and more, and many people testify that they received favors from God which they attribute to the intercession of the Servant of God. Among reports of these spiritual and material graces, one that stands out particularly is the cure, in 2002, of a 76-year-old man from a malignant skin tumor close to his right eye. The sick man had prayed to be healed through the intercession of Guadalupe Ortiz, and had asked other people to appeal to Guadalupe for this same intention.

One night, when he was worried about a forthcoming operation to remove the cancer, the sick man begged the Servant of God with great faith that he might avoid the operation. On the following morning, he found that the tumor had completely disappeared. In the opinion of the doctors the disappearance of a cancerous tumor of that kind without medical intervention cannot be explained scientifically. Also extraordinary is the instantaneous nature of the cure.

A diocesan enquiry into this cure was carried out in the Archdiocese of Barcelona from May 25, 2007 to January 16, 2008. On October 24, 2008, this Congregation issued a decree confirming the juridical validity of the aforementioned enquiry. In a meeting held on October 5, 2017, the Medical Council of the Congregation judged the cure to have been instantaneous, complete and permanent, and declared that it could not be explained by medical science. On March 1, 2018, a Special Congress of Theological Consultors was held; the Cardinals and Bishops met in an Ordinary Session on June 5, 2018, headed by Cardinal Angelo Amato. In both sessions, that of the Consultors and that of the Cardinals and Bishops, the answer Yes was given to the question as to whether a miracle had been worked by God.

After having received from the undersigned Cardinal Prefect a detailed account of all the above, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, receiving and ratifying the votes of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, with today’s date, has solemnly declared that: “Proof exists of a miracle obtained from God through the intercession of the Venerable Servant of God Maria Guadalupe Ortiz de Landazuri y Fernandez de Heredia, laywoman of the Personal Prelature of the Holy Cross and Opus Dei, namely of the sudden, complete and lasting cure of a certain man from an ‘ulcerated skin cancer.’”

The Holy Father has ordered that this decree be published and transcribed in the Acts of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

Given at Rome, on the 8th day of the month of June in the year of Our Lord 2018.

Angelo Cardinal Amato, S. D. B.


L. + S.

+ Marcello Bartolucci

Titular Archbishop of Bevagna


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Romana, n. 66, January-June 2018, p. 64-69.

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