Diaconal Ordination of Three Faithful of the Prelature (March 3, 2018)
On March 3, three faithful of Opus Dei received the diaconate from Bishop Klaus Küng, Bishop of the diocese of St. Pölten (Austria). The ceremony took place in the parish of St. Josemaría, in Rome.
“The diaconate is a threefold service: a service to the Word of God, a service to the altar and a service to one’s neighbor, to all those who suffer,” Archbishop Klaus Küng said in his homily. “It is a great joy to see three professionals who have worked hard for many years receiving ordination as deacons, because they want to become priests,” he added, addressing the candidates —Gabriel Robledillo, Javier Pérez and Emanuel Estrada. “St. Josemaría always had a strong sentiment in his heart whenever one of his sons was becoming a priest. On the one hand, he believed that all men and women are called to holiness and the apostolate in the middle of the world, constituting in itself a vocation of great value; on the other, he knew all too well about the urgent need for good and holy priests.”
Gabriel Robledillo (born in Jódar, Spain, in 1961) began his working career in a poultry slaughterhouse in El Vendrell (Tarragona). While working there, he obtained a Masters in Hispanic Literature at the University of Barcelona. Since 1991 he was a teacher at the Altocastillo school in Jaén. He studied theology and obtained a doctorate in Moral and Spiritual Theology with his research on “The Cross in Calderón de la Barca.”
Francisco Javier Pérez (Jimena, Spain, 1963) dedicated a great part of his professional career to editorial and graphic design for various media outlets in Spain. These included Marca, a sports newspaper; Expansión, a journal on finance, and Mundo Cristiano, a Christian magazine. He obtained a degree in Theology at the University of Navarra.
Emanuel Estrada (Monterrey, Mexico, 1976) studied English Literature and worked at Ciudad de los Niños, an educational initiative inspired by the teachings of St. Josemaría. His interest in helping his students extended to their families, which is why he decided to pursue a master’s degree in Family Counseling.
Romana, n. 66, January-June 2018, p. 160.